Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Friday, November 25, 2005


Quick post-class update for y'all.
Here in Mexico, math is actually an acronym, not arithmetic.
For teachers here, math = Manipulation As They wisH
Manipulation of grades that is.

So, because of this math, you can scratch #2 off of the previous post with the list of things I need to do. And this is why:

I go to my Law class today, and there's all this chaos, like always. Suddenly, I overhear that if you have over a 9.5 out of 10 for a grade thus far in the class, you don't have to do the final paper. Since I failed the first exam and barely passed the next, I figure this is impossible for me to have achieved, so I start planning my speach to her asking if Liz and I can write the final paper together. Then I realize the chaos is because she's figuring out people's grades. So once this chaos dies down, I mozey on up to the front of the room, ready to lay my schpeel out on her (in horribly broken Spanish, of course, to further plead my case) and she's like "hey you two, get over here" to me and Liz.

And this is where it gets incredible.

So on the profesora's list, she's got our names, exam grades, homework grades and attendance grades. She's like "Well, you got a 6.5 on the first test (7.5 is passing here, by the way), so I'm just gonna scratch that out and give you an 8, is that ok?" To which I dumfoundedly respond "Yes." Then she's like "Ok, you went on the field trip, that equals a 10 for your second exam. And the third exam you got an 8." I'm still dumbfounded at this point, because for the third exam, she let Liz and I take it together, in hopes that our combined gringa brain power would help us pass, and we still only got like a 7.6 or something. So she punches all of these #s into her calculator and she's like, "Yeah, the two of you have 9's in the class. You can do the final paper to increase your grade if you'd like." So Liz asks "Do we have to do the paper if we're ok with our grade?" to which the profesora responds "No." So I ask, just to make sure we really understand, "So now we're done with everything?" and she says "Yes."

We said thank you to the teacher, and left the class still dumbfounded yet incredibly happy.

I'm still not sure exactly how all that managed to happen. Mathmatically, my unaltered test grades average to an 8. I missed 3 classes. I handed in my homeworks late. And somehow thanks to her MATH I'm done with her class for the semester and my final grade already is a 9 without having to do a final report.

Still dumbfounded, yet highly appreciative. I should write her a thank you note or something.

cloudy with a chance of meatballs.

what an awesome children's book. i'm not exactly sure why that just popped into my head, but it did.

yesterday we had a great thanksgiving feast, big thanks to Liz for that. it was nice to be with friends since i couldn't be with family.

today is black friday. usually i'd be out battling retail america right now, but considering that they don't even know what black friday is here in Mexico and the shopping is poor at best, the queen of shopping is taking the year off. sad but true.

things to do before i hop on a plane and come back to all you american maniacs:
  1. 25 page research analysis paper (in English)
  2. minimum 10 page paper on something about Mexican import/export regulations or something, i actually have no idea what its about (in Spanish)
  3. 1 final exam, non-cumulative (in Spanish)
  4. 2 weeks of classes, with a few random days of randomly cancelled classes and one exam - non-final (in Spanish and English)
  5. finding a co-op job that pays (in Spanish)
  6. finding an apartment in Mexico City close to aforementioned co-op job (in Spanish)
  7. course evaluations (in Spanish)
  8. some sort of mystery "final project" that I still don't know what it is (in Spanish)
  9. buying mexican christmas presents and getting them super bubble wrapped (in Spanish)
  10. probably lots of other things i can't think of right now (in Spanish and English)

Soo...after I complete all that, I'll be free to enjoy myself.

Hope everybody is doing well. Byee!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Get psyched!

Ok kiddies, time to get excited.

This Mexican Princess has changed her plane ticket and will be returning to the states 8 days earlier than expected. That means starting on December 10th, you have the chance to hang out with me!!!!! Wooo hooo.

Write it down on your calendars. In pen.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I don't usually post things like this but...

I got this in my email, and I just had to share the lovely nostalgia with y'all. Honestly, the mid-late 80's and early 90's were probably the best years in the history of the world. Too bad I/we can't go back and re-live the magic...

You know you grew up in the 80's if...
1. You ever ended a sentence w/ the word "SIKE".
2. You watched Pound Puppies.
3. You can sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".
4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
5. You yearned to be a member of the babysitters club and tried to start one of your own.
6. You owned those lil Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on "Blossom".
8. Two words: M.C.Hammer
9. If you ever watched Fraggle Rock.
10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars. (HECK YEAH!!!)
11. You can sing the entire theme song to "DuckTales".
12. It was actually worth getting up on Sat morning to watch cartoons.
13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head!!!
14. You saw "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen.
15. You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class.
16. You had a clip that held your shirt in a knot at the side
17. You played the game MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House).
18. You wore a Jordache jean jacket and you were proud of it.
19. L.A. Gear... need I say more.
20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in kindergarten.
21. You remember all of the Ramona books.
22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"
23. You wanted to be a Goonie.
24. You ever wore fluorescent clothing (some head to toe).
25. You can remember what Michael Jackson REALLY looked like.
26. You ever wondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf .
27. You took lunch pals to school.
28. You remember the CRAZE! , then the BANNING of slap bracelets.
29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.
30. Barbie and the Rockers were your fav band.
31. You thought She-Ra and He-Man should hook up.
32. You thought your childhood friends would never leave you b/c you exchanged friendship bracelets.
33. You ever owned a pair of jelly shoes (and probably in neon colors).
34. After Pee-Wee's Big Adventures you kept saying "I know you are but what am I".
35. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up".
36. You remember skating before inline skates.
37. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip-n-slide.
38. You had a Skip-it.
39. You had or attended a b-day party at Mc Donald's.
40. You've gone thru this nodding your head in agreement.
41. "Don't worry, Be happy!!"
42. You wore like 8 pair of socks over tights w/high top Reeboks.
43. You wore socks scrunched down.
45. Boom boxes vs. Cd players
46. Both Gremlin movies.
48. You remember Rainbow Bright and My Lil Pony.
49. You thought Doogie Howser was hot!
50. Alf, the furry brown alien from Melmac.
51. New Kids on the Block when they were cool.
52. You knew all the characters and their life stories on the ORIGINAL "Saved By the Bell".
53. Know all the words to Bon Jovi- SHOT THRU THE HEART
54. You just sang it to yourself.
55. You remember when Mullets were cool. (STILL ARE)
56. You tight rolled your pants at the bottom, I believe they called this "pegging"?
57. You owned a banana clip!
58. The Getalong Gang.
59. You know what show 'Mecca Lecca Hi, Mecca Hiney Ho' is from. "

Friday, November 18, 2005

Vodka: The Offical Beverage of Haters

You know what I hate? When college girls, in their facebook profile/photo website/AIM profile/Blog/etc, talk about how they just will NEVER forget the good times with their closest gal pals, fondly referred to as "sexy bitches/hot mammas/hotties/etc" WHEN THE FRIENDS ARE NOT ATTRACTIVE FEMALES AT ALL.

Girls, I beg you. Stop giving your ugly friends false hope that they actually are part of the "hot" world population. Its just cruel.

This PSA brought to you by Sarah with the help of Vodka. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


...that there is a god and he loves me:


The other day I ran into the head of my dorm, and basically he told me I looked like crap and asked if everything was alright, so I broke down and told him how much I hated where I lived and how I never could sleep or study, and he said to go to his office in the morning and he'd arrange to have me switched, no problem. So after rejoicing silently in my head (and beating myself up for not complaining sooner), I went about my day and then the next morning went to his office and he switched my room from "Animal House" to "Little House on the Prairie". It took me about 4 trips on my own, and 4 with Liz to get all of my stuff up 3 flights of stairs to the new suite, but it was soooooo worth it. This place is practically SILENT. And sparking clean!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! I sleep like a freakin' baby now. I'm a happier person. It's incredible. I'm no longer counting down how many days I have left in hell. :)

Ahhh.....gracias a Dios. Tu eres 'el hombre,' guey.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It all makes sense now...

So you know how in malls they put something in the air that makes your mouth unnaturally dry after like 30 minutes of shopping, therefore requiring you to purchase an overpriced beverage from the food court?? I swear they put something in the air here at the library that gives me this unnatural need to pee as soon as I sit down and have already unpacked all of my things.

The world is conspiring against us all in small ways...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Moods and Randomness

The library was open til 2 am all this week because its exam week, and honestly, having the piece of mind that I could stay here til then helped my mental state a lot, even if I have been totally exhausted from staying up to late. Usually I get so mad that the library closes at 10pm, cuz what happens if I don't finish my work before then?? Its impossible to study/sleep/concentrate/relax/live in my stupid dorm. (Only 37 more days of hating where I live, YAY!) If only the library was open til MIDNIGHT every night, I think I'd have so much more piece of mind...

Last night when I was out briefly, I wasn't really in the mood to drink a lot, which is fine, everybody has those nights where they're just not feelin' like boozin'. Probably better for my health too. Anyway, so I'm just sitting at our table, chatting blah blah blah, and then the music changes to techno so everybody starts standing up and dancing around their tables. Like always. No big deal right? Wrong. Apparently, when I'm not in the mood to drink, I'm not in the mood to be around other people, especially people who are drinking. Especially people who are drinking and therefore think they are super sexy/fabulous/cool/tall/a good dancer/etc. The boy behind me kept swaying his short plump body into my backside, and the only thoughts running through my head were "personal space bubble violation!" and "it would really hurt if i kicked him with my heels on, that would teach him to stay the fuck out of my space". So in summation, its best that when I'm out and not in the mood to get drunk, I just go home ASAP because I turn even more psychotic than I normally am.

The weather here has been incredible the past few weeks. Definitely hits that "ideal temp" point in the afternoons. Nights are a bit chilly, but if you average the night temperature with the mid-day temperature, you get a lovely happy-medium. It did rain the other day, pretty fiercly I might add, but because of the rain I saw the hugest rainbow ever, so it was fine.

I wish that UDLA didn't block internet activity with music downloading programs. There's all these new Mexican songs that I really want to download but can't because the network blocks me from connecting to the program server. Bastards. Speaking of internet, the UDLA server also seems to not recognize AIM as a program on the dorms internet, but it works just fine through the wireless. Lame...

I'm at the library right now (like always) and this girl on the couch diagonally across the room from mine is napping and having body spasms like whoa. If I were a more mature person I wouldn't be giggling to myself about it right now...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Ut oh...

I might be a lush. All signs point to "yes, Sarah you ARE a lush", but I'm very good at denying reality, so I say "I might be". There's room for doubt. I mean if I were actually a lush, I'd have some alcoholic beverages here with me right now while I'm "studying" at the library, right?? Too bad the vending machine doesn't sell beers...or vodka...or wine. OR ANYTHING TO DRINK.

Look at Anna's pictures, fools.
It's too bad she doesn't caption as fabulously as Cassie does...(no offense Anna, i heart you.)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Weekend Viaje #4 - Morelia

So we had Mon-Tues-Wed off from school this week in honor of the dead (Dia de los Muertos was Nov 2) so Liz and I took a trip to Mexico City on Friday night to see a concert, and Saturday thru Wednesday was spent in Morelia. Um, since we were gone for so much, I can't even start to recap cuz it would just take forever, so here's a few brief highlights:
  • Reik is absolutely incredible in concert, and they covered Maroon 5's "This Love" better than the band does it.
  • I got food poisoning in Mexico City Saturday morning and was puking before and during the almost 6 hour bus ride from MC to Morelia.
  • Daylight savings time happened and we didn't realize it til about 3pm.
  • I found out I can read a map but fail to process what the legend of the map says and therefore get very frustrated trying to read tourist maps.
  • Old men who sell really yummy ice cream like to hit on me in Spanglish. Old men who beg for change like to hit on me in English.
  • I want to adopt every impoverished Mexican baby in the country and give it a proper life.
  • We bought a box of Frosted Flakes (called Zucaritas in this country) for breakfast one day, and the box was competely infested with cockroaches. SICK.
  • We randomly ran into this kid Adam who is part of our group project for our Marketing class when he was walking down the street with his friends. Random...
  • I found out I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue, but only after consuming a lot of wine.

Ok thats about it that I can remember. I'll be putting up Morelia pictures on my Mexico photos website, so look at them.