Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Moods and Randomness

The library was open til 2 am all this week because its exam week, and honestly, having the piece of mind that I could stay here til then helped my mental state a lot, even if I have been totally exhausted from staying up to late. Usually I get so mad that the library closes at 10pm, cuz what happens if I don't finish my work before then?? Its impossible to study/sleep/concentrate/relax/live in my stupid dorm. (Only 37 more days of hating where I live, YAY!) If only the library was open til MIDNIGHT every night, I think I'd have so much more piece of mind...

Last night when I was out briefly, I wasn't really in the mood to drink a lot, which is fine, everybody has those nights where they're just not feelin' like boozin'. Probably better for my health too. Anyway, so I'm just sitting at our table, chatting blah blah blah, and then the music changes to techno so everybody starts standing up and dancing around their tables. Like always. No big deal right? Wrong. Apparently, when I'm not in the mood to drink, I'm not in the mood to be around other people, especially people who are drinking. Especially people who are drinking and therefore think they are super sexy/fabulous/cool/tall/a good dancer/etc. The boy behind me kept swaying his short plump body into my backside, and the only thoughts running through my head were "personal space bubble violation!" and "it would really hurt if i kicked him with my heels on, that would teach him to stay the fuck out of my space". So in summation, its best that when I'm out and not in the mood to get drunk, I just go home ASAP because I turn even more psychotic than I normally am.

The weather here has been incredible the past few weeks. Definitely hits that "ideal temp" point in the afternoons. Nights are a bit chilly, but if you average the night temperature with the mid-day temperature, you get a lovely happy-medium. It did rain the other day, pretty fiercly I might add, but because of the rain I saw the hugest rainbow ever, so it was fine.

I wish that UDLA didn't block internet activity with music downloading programs. There's all these new Mexican songs that I really want to download but can't because the network blocks me from connecting to the program server. Bastards. Speaking of internet, the UDLA server also seems to not recognize AIM as a program on the dorms internet, but it works just fine through the wireless. Lame...

I'm at the library right now (like always) and this girl on the couch diagonally across the room from mine is napping and having body spasms like whoa. If I were a more mature person I wouldn't be giggling to myself about it right now...


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