Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Stuff, before the departure.

Yesterday I went to Mexico City for an interview with a small boutique marketing firm (Colours) and basically in 12 minutes of an interview I had the job. I'm their first American employee, oooOOOoooo aaahhhhh. Check "co-op job" off of my to-do list! Sounds like it will be a fun job tho, so I'm excited.

I'm going to adopt a Mexican baby from an orphanage after I finish having my own. Maybe even twins, if possible. Regardless, I'll name my adopted Mexican son Usted. (This is only really funny if you speak spanish because americans have such a problem with the "usted" form of grammar, and probably only funniest to me and Liz.) When he's an attractive teenager the girls can call him Ustud. Maybe we can just call him Ted for short, or U. Even better, i could name the twins "tu" and "usted".

Read this.

1 final tomorrow, 1 huge paper Thursday. ew x 1000.

today my mom asked me what i wanted for christmas, besides money. i told her retail america doesn't exist in mexico therefore i have no idea what are the hot items on the market. hell, i didn't even know what a friggin' iPod Nano was still my sister told me she wanted one and i had to ask her to explain it to me...

my room here is probably 10 feet long by 7 feet deep (excluding closet/build in desk thing). this is not very big at all, the bed takes up most of the space. yet somehow i cannot manage to keep this room clean for more than 16 hours. that must make me the biggest slob ever or something like that.

oh yeah, today anna kaminski turns 22. but she not-so-secretly wishes it was 21 all over again. she doesn't want to be old.

BOSTON (and Dan) on SATURDAY!!! yay.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


so, i recently found out that there actually was a small volcanic eruption early thursday morning, which then triggered a small earthquake a little while afterwards. so i wasn't crazy to think that the big cloud i saw wasn't was just the aftermath of the mini-eruption. volcanoes are cool.

Friday, December 02, 2005


i'm going to babble. prepare yourself.

today is my last day of classes. i can't believe its already december. i mean, i got here in august. i survived mexico for 4 months. i survived SCHOOL in SPANISH for 4 months. whoa.

it doesn't feel christmassy here. yeah in the town square there's this "christmas market" thing set up, but all they're selling is crappy ornaments and cheap lights and things. and the mall has some decorations up, but it just doesn't feel like we're heading straight into christmas. maybe thats cuz they don't celebrate thanksgiving here. and also because there's no chance of snow. ever.

yesterday i looked out the window at like 7am when i woke up and i saw this HUGE cloud thing coming out of the volcano see photo below so i think to myself, wow that doesn't look normal(yeah from my new room i can see PoPo!) and then i decided to go back to sleep for like a half hour, and then i dreamed about the apocalypse coming in the form of volcanic explosions. ah, lovely dream.
I can't wait to go back home. I miss living in Boston so much. well actually i think living in any american large city would suffice for me. but sweet little rural mexico is sloooowly killing me.

i think i have an interview for co-op on tuesday the 6th (ANNA KAMINSKI'S 22nd BIRTHDAY) for a marketing/publicity company called Colours in Mexico City. still waiting to hear back from the guy if tuesday is good or not. but if i get that job I can live in a city again!!! granted, its one of the most dangerous cities in the world, but i'm not going to live in those parts now am i?? i would live in this hip little bohemian section of the city called La Condesa. yay.

heat and a dishwasher are two things that would make living in the mexican dorms a lot nicer. maybe even an oven so i can bake things if they're feeling really generous. i just get so cold at night, and i hate washing dishes by hand. seems so primitive...

i'm still not totally used to having short hair. but i can almost fit all of it up into a ponytail now, so that's good. 12 inches to go til its back to where it started before "the chop"....

8 more days in the land down under, so to speak...

don't forget, if you'll be in boston anywhere between december 10th and january 7th, please hang out with me!!!!!!!!!!! we can go eat yummy american food and speak in English! wooo hooo.