Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Profound Thought of the Day

Lots of things here cause me to get the "wtf" look on my face on a daily basis. Mostly fashion-related incidents. Or extreme lack there of. Today was no exception...

I'm making it my personal mission to find out exactly which Mexican fashion magazine gave the men here a big 2 thumbs up to wearing, in lieu of a shirt, a zip up sweater with nothing underneath it UNZIPPED APPROXIMATELY HALFWAY!

I mean I chalked up the "button up shirt, barely buttoned up, with chest exposed" look to just male desperation when out in the clubs. But this...who the hell sanctioned this as acceptable couture??? Just because your zip up sweater is from Armani does not give you the right to omit a shirt underneath! Or perhaps you spent all your money on the Armani sweater and can't afford the shirt to go underneath? I'm 100% confused, and horrified.

If "What Not To Wear" ever does an international Edition, I'm going to be the first to vote UDLA in, because this is a veritable goldmine of fashion don'ts. They could make a whole additional show "Help for Mexicans That Have A Lot of Money but Don't Know How To Create Outfits Out of their Armani/Dolce & Gabana/Gucci/Prada/etc." Hell, it could even be in Spanish if it would help the country out a little bit...


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