Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


So, yesterday, in the midst of helping Liz move into her apartment and shop at WalMart and things, we decided we were starving and would go eat lunch at Arrachera's right down the street. So Liz, Anna and I go, sit down, order our food and chat. So I ordered a chicken sandwich that was grilled and spicy with these peppers and onion in this spicy mustard sauce. And it was really good. Til I got til the last 1/4 of it and wondered why it was so chewy. And then I realized why...because it wasn't cooked!!!!!!!!! So I semi-freaked out, Liz spoke with the waitress and had them take it off the bill, and then back at her apartment she gave me a pill for food poisoning. UGH, I'm never eating there again, SICK SICK SICK.

But I guess either the chicken wasn't bad, or the pill really worked, because today I feel fine. Thank the Lord.


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