Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

I made it!!

Well, I got here, and it was QUITE the trip!!!!!I'm still exhausted from such a long day of travelling (7 hours of flying, 2 hours of bus riding, 20 minutes of taxi riding) and there's so much inital stuff to do here that I don't have enough free consecutive minutes to even start to tell you all about the trip!!! But rest assured that I will very very soon.

If you'd like to see some pictures from Day 1 of The Adventure, click on the "Mexico Pictures" link over on the side.

Adios for now :)


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