Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Randomness #2

I'm sick of the daily, spastic downpour sessions that they like to call "the rainy season" here in good ol' Me-hee-co. I hate rain. It makes me want to get in bed and watch movies.

I feel like I'm never going to learn Spanish. Like I'll be stuck at this level forever. Boo.

I have some sort of disease on my face that's probably just eczema, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. It's been making me look like a freak for about 3 weeks now. I decided today that I would go buy cream for it. At the pharmacy, the lady told me that she didn't know what to suggest, but she handed me a box to look at and said it was good. What product was it? Lamisil AD or something like that. Foot fungus cream. Bitch, please! You can see this red spot on my FACE, and you're giving me cream for foot fungus?! I can only imagine what other sort of products you give out to unsuspecting Mexicans who are looking for some OTC treatment for their maladies...


At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I had these funky rashes on my face so I went to the dermathologist and she prescribed a cream which had an unsuspecting name.

When I googled it, I found it was a general fungicide... including vaginal fungi. So your pharmacist might not be off-target.

Saludos desde la UDLA tambiƩn.


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