Mas Cerveza, Por Favor!

A thoughtful chronicle of my study-abroad experience at the UDLA in Mexico...and by that I mean a collection of wild stories about crazy things I will do in Mexico and some other random, non-important things.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Back to School

So, after completing my 3rd day of school, I don't have a whole lot to say other than if you thought the NU Shuffle sucked, try dealing with the UDLA Shuffle in's much more fun.
So yesterday my schedule was finally set in stone, after 4 days of trying. I'm taking 4 classes in Spanish (Administracion de Proyectos - Project Management, Marketing Estrategia - Strategic Marketing, Regulaciones del Comercio Internacional - International Commerce Law, and Negociaciones Internacionales - International Negotiations) and 2 in English (Qualitative Marketing Research and International Promotion) and in my spanish classes I have no idea what the hell is going on because, well, basically, I don't understand Spanish. It's fun. So the way it breaks down is that I have 3 classes every day, Monday thru Friday, from either 11 to 1:50 (M,W,F) or 10 to 2 (T, Th) so its not that bad of a schedule I don't think. I've still got plenty of free time to do homework and workout, and I don't even have to be up and ready at the buttcrack of dawn. Yay.

And because I'm such a loser, I made a weekly schedule in Excel with all my classes and working out and other stuff to do, so hopefully I'll stick to it. Oh! And I'm taking a Pilates workshop on Tues/Thurs from 8-9:30am, I'm excited. Well, I think that's all I got for now. Actually no, it's not. Just kidding.

Last night was Cristian's birthday, so we went to his house for drinks and then to Tigre to dance. He turned 28, the old man, haha. It was fun, lots of Spanish was spoken, well, I mean not TONS but a substantial amount. I'd put up pictures, but the photo thing in Blogger isn't working right now....LAME.

Ok my loves,
Paz Afuera.


At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey soooo much writing and so little commenting! OK well sorry about the picture of you with your luggage- I will try again tonight (note to self buying anti-virus software is worth every penny, you did not need David Hasselhoff's Greatest Hits CD) ...i feel a third computer might be necessary-another one bites the dust. First off, heres whats new with me: we're having a party at Kathryns this weekend so you should come and I am going to the Rolling Stones on Sunday with Kat, Many Men, and my entire family-get into it. I took the Sierra Mist Challenge yesterday-i do not like Sierra Mist; I do not even like Sprite-what was i thinking? well i was actually thinking why is there a Sierra Mist Challenge booth outside the 7-11 from noon to 1pm on a Wednesday...and what exactly constitutes drinking soda as a challenge? Now about you - i hope youre having the time of your life blah blah blah
see you never


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