Phil is an idiot.
Of course the stupid groundhog didn't see his shadow. Does he ever? When was the last time you can remember NOT having 6 more weeks of winter?? It seems like its a clear day just about every Feb 2.
Which leads me to another point: Why if he does see his shadow because it is a clear day with sun, does that mean more winter, when if we arrive at the contrary, if he doesn't see his shadow because it's a cloudy dreary day, does that mean winter is over?? To me, sun = warm, spring and cloudy = cold, wintery. Right?
I think it's all a scam. And people buy into it. People, it's an overgrown rodent. It can't speak. Why would you let something like that dictate when winter ends?!
At least someone was nice enough to debunk all the GroundHog Day myths.
At least it's sunny and warm here in Mexico...
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